Linux je operativni sustav zasnovan na UNIX-u i prvi ga je uveo Linus Torvalds. Temelji se na Linux kernelu i može raditi na različitim hardverskim platformama koje proizvode Intel, MIPS, HP, IBM, SPARC i Motorola.
Evo odabranog popisa Top 15 knjiga za Linux koji bi trebao biti dio bilo koje Linux početničke ili razvojne knjižnice.
1) Linux džepni vodič: osnovne naredbe
Linux Pocket Guide je knjiga koju je napisao Jason Cannon. Pruža organizirani put učenja. Također vam pomaže da steknete ovladavanje najkorisnijim i najvažnijim naredbama. Ovo je idealan priručnik za početnike ili one koji žele ubrzati Linux ili iskusne korisnike.
Ova knjiga sadrži nove naredbe za obradu slikovnih i audio datoteka, čitanje i modificiranje međuspremnika sustava te manipuliranje PDF datotekama.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije2) Kako Linux radi
Kako Linux funkcionira, knjiga je koju je napisao Brian Ward. Knjiga vas podučava konceptima unutarnjih dijelova Linuxa. Idealan je referentni materijal za sve one koji žele znati o unutarnjem radu operacijskog sustava.
Također ćete naučiti kako rade razvojni alati i kako pisati učinkovite ljuske skripte. U ovoj ćete knjizi također istražiti jezgru i ispitati ključne sistemske zadatke poput sistemskih poziva, unosa i izlaza i datotečnih sustava.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije3) Linux naredbeni redak
Linux Command Line knjiga je koju je napisao William Shotts. Autor vas vodi od prvih pritiska tipki na terminalu do pisanja cjelovitih programa pomoću Linux ljuske ili naredbenog retka.
U ovoj ćete knjizi naučiti i navigaciju datotekama, konfiguraciju okoline, podudaranje uzoraka s regularnim izrazima itd. Osim praktičnog znanja, knjiga također otkriva osnovni koncept svake teme.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije4) Linux za početnike: Uvod u Linux operativni sustav i naredbeni redak
Linux za početnike knjiga je koju je napisao Jason Cannon. Najbolji dio ove knjige je da vam nije potrebno nikakvo predznanje o Linux OS-u. Vodit će vas logičnim i sustavnim pristupom korak po korak.
Ovaj materijal za učenje također pokriva nove pojmove ili se susreću žargoni. Najbolja stvar u vezi s ovom knjigom je da su svi detalji u ovoj knjizi pokriveni lako razumljivim jezikom i njegovim osnovnim konceptima.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije5) Naredbeni redak Kung Fu
Command Line Kung Fu knjiga je koju je napisao Jason Cannon. Knjiga također sadrži desetke savjeta i preko 100 praktičnih primjera iz stvarnog svijeta. Primjeri dani u ovoj knjizi pomažu vam u rješavanju stvarnih problema i postizanju vrijednih ciljeva.
Knjiga ima sveobuhvatan indeks. Pa čak i ako želite pronaći svaki primjer gdje se koristi zadana naredba - čak i ako nije glavni predmet.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije6) Administracija Linuxa
Linux Administration knjiga je koju je napisao Jason Cannon. Ovaj Linux materijal za učenje uključuje teme kao što su Ubuntu Linux, Debian, Linux Mint, RedHat Linux, Fedora, SUSE Linux, Kali Linux i još mnogo toga.
Na kraju ove knjige o Linuxu u potpunosti ćete razumjeti najvažnije i temeljne koncepte administracije Linux poslužitelja. Štoviše, moći ćete te koncepte koristiti u raznim stvarnim situacijama.
Na Amazonu provjerite najnovije cijene i korisničke recenzije7) Linux Command Line i Shell Scripting Bible, 3. izdanje
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible is a reference book written by Richard Blum. The book includes detailed instructions and abundant examples.
To use this book, you will learn how to bypass the graphical interface and communicate with your computer. This Linux book thirty pages of new functional examples that are fully updated to align with the latest Linux features.
It starts with command line fundamentals. The book gives information about shell scripting and shows you the practical application of commands for automatic, frequently performed functions.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon8) Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 3rd Edition
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, written by Stephen A. Rago. This Linux book begins with files, directories, and processes, and then takes you to more advanced Linux techniques. The writer also covers threads and multithreaded programming, and socket-based IPC.
This book covers more than seventy new interfaces, including POSIX asynchronous I/O, spin locks, barriers, and POSIX semaphores, etc. The book offers several chapter-length case studies, each reflecting contemporary environments.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon9) Linux Kernel Development: Linux Kernel Development
Linux Kernel Development is a book written by Robert Love. The book gives details about the design and implementation of the Linux kernel. The writer is presenting the content in a manner that is beneficial to those writing and developing kernel code.
It is also an ideal book for programmers seeking to understand the Linux OS better. The book offers features of the Linux kernel, which includes its design, implementation, and interfaces.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon10) The Art of UNIX Programming (The Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
The Art of Unix Programming is a book written by Eric S. Raymond. This Linux book reveals the software design secrets of the original Unix designers. It also shows how they produce software that is fast, portable, reusable, modular, and long-lived.
The book covers topics like Basic of Unix Philosophy, Unix history, OS comparisons, Best practices, Finding notation that sings, etc. The book also includes 12 case studies to know the use of Linux in real-life applications.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon11) Linux in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
Linux, in a Nutshell, is a book written by Stephen Figgins. The book includes programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, etc.
This book focuses on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, revision control with git. It also includes an option for using the vast number of Linux commands.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon12) The Linux Programming Interface
The Linux Programming Interface is a book written by Michael Kerrisk. In this book, the author provides detailed descriptions of the system calls and library functions that you need to learn Linux programming, etc.
This book covers the wealth of Linux-specific features, including epoll, notify, and the /proc file system. The book emphasis on UNIX standards (POSIX.1-2001/SUSv3 and POSIX.1-2008/SUSv4). At the same time, this Linux book is also equally valuable to programmers working on other UNIX platforms.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon13) Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to The Kernel And C Library
Linux System programming is a book written by Robert Love. The book provides learning material on Linux system programming, a reference manual on Linux system calls. The book is an ideal guide to learn about writing smarter, faster code.
The book helps you to distinguish between POSIX standard functions and special services offered only by Linux. The book also includes a chapter on multithreading. It also provides an in-depth look at Linux from both a theoretical and applied perspective.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon14) Linux: The Complete Reference
The Complete Reference is a book written by Richard Petersen. The book includes various Linux features, tools, and utilities from this thoroughly updated and comprehensive resource.
This Linux book also covers use the desktops and shells, manage applications, deploy servers, and handle system and network admin tasks.
The book includes various details on the very different and popular Ubuntu and Red Hat/Fedora software installation. The book also teaches you tools used by different distributions.
Check Latest Price and User Reviews on Amazon15) Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Seventh Edition
Linux Administration is a book written by Wale Soyinka. The book teaches you how you can effectively set up and manage any version of Linux on individual servers or using this practical resource.
The book offers clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, and real-world examples.
You will also learn how to configure hardware and software, work from the GUI or command line, maintain Internet and network services. This book included Software management and backup solutions.
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