Primarni cilj Profit centra je predstavljati neovisnu organizacijsku podjedinicu koja djeluje praktički neovisno na tržištu, snosi odgovornost za vlastite troškove i prihode, a može se proširiti i postati investicijsko središte ili se može tretirati kao tvrtka unutar tvrtke. Pristup profitnom centru utjelovljuje sve veću ponovnu uspostavu između unutarnjeg i vanjskog računovodstva, funkcionirajući kao poveznica između dva računovodstvena koncepta.
Profit Center Accounting pomaže u odgovoru na sljedeća pitanja:
- Koliki su prihodi?
- Koliki su troškovi proizvedene robe?
- Kolika je marža doprinosa?
- Koliki su administrativni i prodajni troškovi?
- Kolika je operativna dobit?
Analiza ROI, EVA i novčanog toka moguća su na razini profitnog centra.
Stvorite profitni centar
Korak 1) Unesite transakcijski kod KE51 u naredbeno polje SAP
Korak 2) Na sljedećem zaslonu unesite kontrolno područje u kojem će se stvoriti profitni centar
Korak 3) Na sljedećem zaslonu unesite jedinstveni ID profitnog centra
Korak 4) Na sljedećem zaslonu unesite sljedeće
- Unesite naziv profitnog centra
- Unesite kratki opis profitnog centra
- Unesite osobu odgovornu za profitni centar
- Unesite grupu profitnih centara kojoj pripada profitni centar.
Korak 5) Pritisnite gumb "Spremi" za spremanje profitnog centra sa SAP standardne alatne trake
Dobit se sprema u neaktivnom načinu
Korak 6) Pritisnite gumb 'Aktivacija' za aktivaciju profitnog centra s Alatne trake programa
Korak 7) Provjerite na statusnoj traci status statusa profitnog centra.
Grupa profitnog centra
Korak 1) Unesite transakcijski kod KCH1 u naredbeno polje SAP
Korak 2) Na sljedećem zaslonu unesite kontrolno područje u kojem će se stvoriti grupa profitnih centara
Korak 3) Na sljedećem zaslonu unesite jedinstveni ID grupe profitnih centara koja će se stvoriti
Step 4) In the next screen, Enter a short description for the Profit center group
Step 5) Press 'Save' button , from the SAP Standard Toolbar to create the profit center group
Step 6) Check the Statusbar for the creation of the profit center group
Profit Center Posting
Posting to Profit Center Via Financial Document (FI Interface)
Step 1) Enter Transaction code FB50 in the SAP Command Field
Step 2) In the next screen , Enter the following header data
- Enter Document Date
- Enter Company code
Step 3) Enter the Following Line Item Data
- Enter Debit G/L Account
- Select Debit
- Enter Debit Amount
- Enter Credit G/L Account
- Select Credit
- Enter Credit Amount
Step 4) After Enter the Line items ,
- Select the Debit Line Item
- Press Choose Detail button
Step 5) In the next detail line item screen, Enter the Profit Center
Step 6) Press 'Save' button from SAP standard toolbar to post the document
Step 7) Check the status bar for the Document number for the confirmation of posting
Profit Center Planning
Planning Process is not a one-time activity, but rather an iterative process, which is usually performed in several steps.Profit center planning is an integral part of your overall company planning. The integral character of business planning is particularly apparent within the context of Profit Center Accounting, as the planning data used here is largely created in other applications (such as Cost Center Accounting) and can be supplemented or changed in Profit Center Accounting. Profit center planning is part of shortterm business planning and thus encompasses a span of one fiscal year. During the profit center planning process, Individual planning areas are combined into an integrated planning network. We can use various plan versions in order to depict various planning Profit center planning offers us the following methods of planning:
- Copying existing plan or actual data to a plan
- Posting plan data by period or simultaneously by transaction from other applications
- Manual planning of profit centers
- Distribution and Assessment of data between profit centers
- Various plan reports for comparison of different plan versions
SAP Profit Center tcodes
Code | Description |
PROF | Profit center Accounting Enterprice Controlling |
KE5Z | Profit center: Actual Line Items Enterprice Controlling |
9KE0 | Create profit center Document Enterprice Controlling |
3KEI | Derive Default profit center Enterprice Controlling |
KE51 | Create profit center Enterprice Controlling |
KE52 | Change profit center Enterprice Controlling |
KE53 | Display profit center Enterprice Controlling |
2KES | Profit center: Balance carr'd forw. Enterprice Controlling |
KCH3 | Display profit center hierarchy Enterprice Controlling |
2KEE | Profitni centar: Totals Records Enterprice Controlling |
S_AC0_52000888 | Obveze: profitni centar FI |
KCH2 | Promijenite hijerarhiju profitnog centra Enterprice Controlling |
KCH1 | Stvorite profitni centar Group Enterprice Controlling |
KE54 | Izbrišite profitne centre Enterprice Controlling |