Posebne dionice & Posebna nabava u SAP-u



U nekim slučajevima logistički procesi zahtijevaju upotrebu posebnih vrsta nabave:

  • Pošiljka
  • Podugovaranje
  • Prijenos dionica pomoću naloga za prijevoz zaliha
  • Obrada treće strane
  • Povratno transportno pakiranje
  • Rukovanje cjevovodima

Za potrebe posebnih vrsta nabave postoje posebne vrste zaliha.

Kategorije predmeta koje možete koristiti pri kupnji dokumenata.

Vidjet ćemo kako se teze posebne vrste nabave i posebne vrste zaliha koriste u sljedećim procesima.


Pošiljka znači da je nabavljena roba još uvijek u vlasništvu dobavljača, ali naša tvrtka drži materijal na zalihi i može ga izravno prodati. Roba postaje vlasništvo naše tvrtke samo u slučaju konzumiranja.

Na donjem dijagramu možete vidjeti dva moguća scenarija / procesa pošiljke.

U oba slučaja osnova postupka je primitak robe za konsignacijsku robu dobavljača. Nakon toga imat ćemo konsignacijsku robu u našem skladištu. Ako želimo prodati robu iz konsignacijske zalihe, možemo izvršiti prijenos zaliha iz skladišta u skladište konsignacijske zalihe i prodati je izravno iz konsignacijske zalihe.

Ako, s druge strane, odlučimo ne držati robu kao konsignacijsku zalihu, možemo izvršiti knjiženje prijenosa na vlastite zalihe. Poslije ga možemo poslati u našu trgovinu i prodati kao vlastite zalihe.

U procesu pošiljke trebali bismo stvoriti evidenciju podataka o kupnji za kombinaciju dobavljača / materijala kako bismo unaprijed definirali neke podatke koji se kasnije koriste u procesima.

U sustavu se primanje pošiljke vrši u nekoliko jednostavnih koraka. PRIMANJE RASPRODAJNE ROBE

Korak 1)

Stvorite narudžbenicu za materijal pomoću transakcije ME21N .

  1. Unesite kategoriju predmeta K - konsignacijska roba.

Korak 2)

Knjižite primitak robe u MIGO transakciji.

  1. Možete vidjeti da je vrsta kretanja 101 , a posebni pokazatelj dionica je K - konsignacijska zaliha (prodavač).
  2. Označite stavke kao U redu i Objavi.

Nakon što objavite potvrdu o robi dobavljača za konsignacijsku robu, možete vidjeti pregled zaliha materijala koji se promijenio.

Sada je u redu za pošiljku dobavljača 120 komada, neograničeno.

Korak 3)

Razgranavanje u dva različita scenarija iz dijagrama procesa.

  • Od ovog trenutka možemo stvoriti prijenos zaliha do skladišta u trgovini s MIGO transakcijom. Tada robu možemo prodati iz konsignacijske zalihe (obveza plaćanja generira se na prodajnom mjestu).
  • U drugom scenariju možemo stvoriti knjiženje prijenosa na vlastite zalihe (obveza plaćanja u ovom trenutku). Kasnije s robom možemo raditi što god želimo.

Let's say we have created a transfer posting to own stock upon goods arrival. We can do that by using MB1B with special stock type indicator K, and movement type 411.

We can see afterwards that our stock level is 244 pcs all on 0001 unrestricted. Our 120 pcs were transferred from consignment to own stock.

Step 4)

We are not creating an invoice using MIRO transaction for consignment goods. Instead, liabilities are settled in MRKO transaction for the appropriate period.

  1. Execute MRKO transaction.
  2. Enter Company Code and Vendor.
  3. Enter the date range (you can use document date, per your preferences).
  4. Choose special procurement type you want to settle for. Consignment.
  5. Choose if you want to display available document or settle. Choose Display.
  6. Show only withdrawals not settled or only settled withdrawals, or both.You can also restrict the displayed/settled records by material.Execute.

Step 5)

  • First we will choose to display the available documents for our selection.
  • We can see that the document is Not settled.

  • Go back to the initial screen and choose Settle instead of Display. Execute.
  • You can now see the message that a document 5100000001 was created.

  • Go back and choose to display documents, and choose to see Settled withdrawals.
  • Now there is a record matching your request. You can see that the status is now Settled.

This completes the process for consignment stock.

Stock Transport Order

In stock transfer process, goods are procured and supplied within a company. One plant orders the goods from another plant (they are called the receiving plant/issuing plant).

We can use a special type of purchase order - the stock transport order. The delivery process can be done either in Inventory Management or in the shipping component of logistics execution.

Step 1) Create a purchase order using ME21N.

  1. Choose document type UB - Stock Transp. Order.
  2. Choose Supplying Plant - 001.
  3. Choose Receiving Plants Purchasing organization - 0002.
  4. Purchasing group and Company Code.
  5. In the item overview screen, enter material number and quantity.
  6. Choose the receiving plant and Storage Location.

Save the document.

Step 2) Post goods issue from the issuing plant using MIGO transaction.

  1. Choose A07 - Goods Issue.
  2. Choose R01 - Purchase Order.
  3. Enter the storage location from which goods are being issued.
  4. Save the transaction - Post goods Issue.

After posting, you will get a material document.

Step 3) Do a goods receipt to a receiving plant for the stock transfer order - in MIGO.

  1. Choose A01 - Goods Receipt.
  2. Choose R01 - Purchase Order.Post the Goods Receipt.

Now the stock transfer from plant to plant is done.

You can see the plant stock now. Obersdorf plant now has 12 pcs of material 10599999.

Stock transport order can also be done using the delivery process. You are able to create an outbound delivery based on your purchase order (stock transport order) in transaction VL10B. Then you can post the goods issue using the VL02N transaction (change outbound delivery). Finally you can do a PGR (post goods receipt) for delivery from the receiving plant.


In subcontracting, you give components to a vendor from which a product is produced. The product is then ordered by your company through a purchase order. The components required by the vendor to manufacture the ordered product are imported in the purchase order through the BoM (Bill of Materials), and they are provided to the vendor. After the contractor has produced the finished product, we can post the goods receipt.

Step 1)

Create a standard purchase order for the material that has a BOM maintained.

  1. Create a PO with item category L.
  2. Enter the storage location where the material should be placed upon goods receipt.

Step 2)

On the Material Data tab, click the Components or Explode BOM icon.

On the component screen, enter storage location from which the components should be issued.

I have created a fake BoM for our material (we sure can't create LCD TV 40" from two components called semiconductors and plastics), but it's enough to serve the purpose (you can create a BoM in CS01 transaction if you don't have it for your test material).

Save the PO.

If your PO needs to be released, release it by using ME29N.

Step 3)

In stock monitoring transaction, we will provide the components for vendor.

  1. Execute the transaction ME2O.
  2. Enter Vendor.
  3. Enter Plant.Execute.

Step 4)

You will get a list of open item for transfer towards the vendor. You can see the components from our purchase order.

  1. Select the components (click the boxes next to components material numbers).
  2. Post goods issue.

Step 5)

You will be prompted to confirm the items being PGI'd.

Samo potvrdite pravo mjesto i količinu skladišta. Učinite to za sve komponente.

Korak 6)

Trebali biste vidjeti ovu vrstu zaslona koji potvrđuje da je vaš PGI uspješno izveden za 2 stavke.

Korak 7)

Sljedeći zaslon trebao bi izgledati ovako.

Vidite da postoji materijalni dokument za komponente s tipom kretanja 541.

Korak 8)

Možete primiti potvrdu o robi protiv narudžbenice da biste dobili gotovu robu od dobavljača.

Sada ste komponente predali podizvođaču i primili gotov proizvod.

Mogli ste stvoriti i izlaznu isporuku za komponente pomoću ME2O transakcije, a zatim knjižiti izdanje robe putem VL02N. Većinu vremena ta se vrsta obrade obavlja u podugovaranju.